Our new H2020 (EuroHPC JU) Project, EuroCC, started as of 1st September 2020.
Happy to announce and coordinate that our new H2020 (EuroHPC JU) Project, EuroCC, started as of 1st September 2020. The EuroCC project aims to establish a single National Competence Centre (NCC) in the area of high-performance computing for each participated country. TUBITAK ULAKBIM as the Partner of EuroCC will coordinate NCC activities to create application or product based collaboration between academia and industry for HPC solutions at material science, molecular dynamics, bioinformatics, fluid dynamics, machine learning and, artificial intelligence. Turkish NCC will provide the needed platform; create awareness on HPC ecosystem; mature the competencies; align through EuroHPC environment. As the Thrid-Parties of EuroCC, Middle East Technical University, and Sabancı University will share with us their HPC expertise through the dedicated training events, schools and, consultancies. The NCC activities will be supported for two years and funded 2 M Euros %50 EU H2020 contribution.